The Observer, in short
- 04-10-2007
- Nr. 392
Observator Cultural
- 0 Comentarii
Lead article The Observer publishes an article that Mihail Sebastian wrote about the governmental crisis of 1933. The article was first published in Cuvintul (The Word), Sunday, November 12, 1933. Politics Bedros Horasangian discusses the enthroning of the new Romanian Orthodox Patriarch, Daniel. Ciprian Ciucu observes the increasing number of Romanians who are dissatisfied with the financial implications of their new European citizenship. Michael Shafir publishes his inaugural address for the International Relations Office at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, presented on October 2. Latest Florin Vidamski is an actor who directs the Andrei Muresanu Theatre in Sfintu Gheorghe. This fall he inaugurated the first TAMper2 festival. The initial offering included The Seagull, (directed by Arpad Schilling), Plastilina, joi.megajoy and Alge. Bernarda’s House Remix (directed by Radu Afrim). The festival ran from September 24 through September 27. To mark the occasion, The Observer publishes a debate featuring Schilling, Afrim, Michaela Michailov and Iulia Popovici. Arina Petrovici publishes a series of interviews with German director David Esrig, drama critic Marian Popescu, theater director Laszlo Bocsardi (who is in charge at the Tamasi Aron Theatre in Sfintu Gheorghe), playwright and director Katalin Thuroczy, poet Anamaria Pop and theater director Florin Vidamski. Bianca […]