Centrul „Tudor Vianu” al Universității din București organizează joi, 26 octombrie 2017, la Sala Departamentului de Studii Literare „G. Călinescu” (Facultatea de Litere), de la ora 14.00, la a cincea întâlnire din cadrul proiectului Atelierele „Tudor Vianu” – ICUB Master Classes 2017. Invitatul special este prof. dr. Ortwin de Graef (Department of Literary Studies, Arts Faculty, University of Leuven, Belgia), care va susține un atelier de cercetare pe tema „Philanthropic Rot in Print Run for Profit: The Tu-Quoque-Time-Bomb in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness”.
Prof. dr. Ortwin de Graef
Professor of English Literature at the University of Leuven (Belgium) where he also directs the interuniversity advanced Master’s programme in Literary Studies. He is the author of two books on Paul de Man (Titanic Light: Paul De Man’s Post-Romanticism, 1960-1969, University of Nebraska Press, 1995; Serenity in Crisis: A Preface to Paul de Man, 1939-1960, University of Nebraska Press, 1993) and has widely published on Romantic and post-Romantic writing and literary theory. His current research focuses on aesthetic ideologies of sympathy and the State in the post-Romantic condition, on trauma and representations of extremity, and on materialist challenges to models of cultural transmission.