Institutul Polonez din Bucuresti anunta Training Grant for IT Specialists

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According to the agreement between the Japan International Cooperation Agency (hereinafter referred to as „JICA“) and the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Poland, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, under JICA’s Third Country Training Program, intends to organize an advanced training course in the field of education of information technology specialists for Central and Eastern Europe, during next 5 years. The fourth training course „Education of highly qualified IT specialists for Central and Eastern Europe countries in accordance to demands of the job market“ is going to take place in Warsaw from 13th February to 25th February 2005. The Government of Japan and the Government of Poland provide the following allowances and cover the following expenses in accordance to relevant laws and regulations: round-trip air ticket, accommodation allowance, living allowance, book allowance, shipping allowance, medical insurance, etc. For details see or call the Polish Institute in Bucarest: 224.45.56.
Acest continut este doar pentru abonati. Pentru abonament Observatorul Cultural apasati aici.

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