The Observer, in short

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Lead article Carmen Musat discusses the symbolic importance of Doina Cornea as anti-Communist dissident. Politics Bedros Horasangian comments on the Social Democratic Party’s motion to change the Tariceanu Cabinet. Ciprian Ciucu looks over the doings of Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu. Latest Constantin Hostiuc looks at Eva a trait la Plescoi (Eva Lived in Plescoi), an exhibition at The Romanian Peasant’s Museum Club. Visitors will be pleased to know that Adrian Ilfoveanu contributes a statue made of redoubtable Plescoi sausages while his brother, Nicu Ilfoveanu offers photos of the women in Plescoi. The exhibition will be on view from 20 September. Florina Pirjol presents the 39th Days of Calinescu Culture, which runs from 21 through 23 September in Onesti. Book reviews Bianca Burta-Cernat comments on Daniel Vighi’s Onoarea si onorariul. Eseu monografic (the Honor and the Honorarium: a Monographic Essay, Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 2007), a cultural studies approach to writer Ioan Slavici’s Banat. Florin Irimia discusses Margaret Atwood’s Povestirea cameristei (The Handmaid’s Tale: A Novel, Bucharest: Leda, 2006, translated by Monica Botez), a dystopian novel that won The Governor General’s Award. Ioana Paverman discusses Raymond Aron’s Opiul intelectualilor (The Opium of the Intellectuals, Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2007), which deconstructs our traditional […]
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