The Observer, in short

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Lead article Carmen Musat comments on Vladimir Sorokin’s critique of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, and concludes that Russia isn’t the only country that can boast of homo sovieticus, even after the fall of Communism. Politics Sabina Fati discusses the politics of Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s new Ministers, who may not be able to respect the electoral program with which they won the elections in 2004. Ciprian Ciucu speaks about the international consequences of the political conflict between President Traian Basescu and the Parliament. Ciucu says that this conflict may affect the integration, if leaders in Bruxelles take it seriously. Debate After Communism’s collapse in 1989, Romanian politics made way for right-wing parties, which became very radical in their discourse. Cultural Observer inaugurates a debate on the necessity and future of left-wing parties. In this weeks’ conversation, G. M. Tamas, Ciprian Ciucu, Vladimir Tismaneanu, Ciprian Siulea, Dan Ungureanu discuss the issue matter. Society Igor Mocanu comments on his experience as a Moldavian student (Faculty of Letters, Bucharest University) who tries to get a job and encounters all sorts of bureaucratic problems because of his citizenship. Book reviews Andrei Smuts discusses Petru Cimpoesu’s Povestea Marelui Brigand (The Story […]
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