The Observer, in short

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Lead article Doina Ioanid discusses the problem of priests who collaborated with Securitate. Politics Ciprian Ciucu studies a set of reformist directives issued in 2006 by Minister of Health Eugen Nicolaescu. Bedros Horasangian comments on the election on the next Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Education Stefan Borbely analyzes problems in the educational system. Book reviews Gabriela Adamesteanu reviews Jan Koneffke’s O iubire la Tibru (Love on the Tiber, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2007), a novel about a German family that moves to Rome. Iulia Popovici looks at a translation of Charles Bukowski’s Dragostea e un ciine venit din iad (Love is a Dog Come from Hell, Polirom: Iasi, 2007). Bianca Burta-Cernat writes an essay on Horia Ursu’s Asediul Vienei (The Siege of Vienna, Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 2007), a novel about Transylvania that mixes reality with fantasy. Octavian Soviany reads Constantin Abaluta’s fantastic romance, Grafferul din lift (The Graffiti Man from the Elevator, Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2006). Dana Pirvan-Jenaru examines 70 years of studies on prostitution, edited and assembled by Adrian Majuru, Prostitutia. Intre cuceritori si platitori (Prostitution: Between the Conquerors and Payers, Pitesti: Paralela 45, 2007). Iulia Deleanu comments on Emil Dorian’s inside look at the situation of Jews after […]
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