The Observer, in short

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Lead article Ovidiu Simonca thinks about what constitutes honesty in literary and cultural criticism. Politics Ciprian Ciucu argues that politics is a field where things can always get worse. Just think about Gigi Becali… Latest Ioana Paverman analyses the relationship between mass-media and democratic principles. Arina Petrovici discusses last week’s Annual Reunion of Romanian Diplomats. Book reviews Bianca Burta-Cernat talks about Iolanda Malamen’s Antoniu si Kawabata (Anthony and Kawabata, Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 2007). Angelo Mitchievici comments on Mircea Cartarescu’s Orbitor. Aripa dreapta (The Right Wing, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2007). Supplement How does public space turn into a market for our bodies? The Observer publishes a series of theoretical articles on Bucharest’s public space. Ciprian Mihali, Marius Babias, Ovidiu Tichindeleanu, Oliver Marchart, Simon Sheikh, Suzana Milevska participate in the discussion. Boris Buden and Vlad Morariu debate the reconfiguration of public space. Education Dumitrita Stoica says that when it comes to literature, there’s a big difference between what young people learn and what they like. Essay Dana Parvan-Jenaru discusses the importance of the spiritual for Romanian writers of the ’30s. The focus is on Mircea Eliade, Emil Cioran and Constantin Noica. Arts Theatre Doru Mares attends the 10th Young Actor’s Gala in Mangalia. […]
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