The Observer, in short

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Lead article Carmen Musat observes that the diary of the interwar writer Mihail Sebastian still raises unsolved political and moral problems. Politics Ciprian Ciucu frowns on the masquerade of the secret ballot that followed the Social Democratic Party’s motion to censure the government last week. Bedros Horasangian looks into the Social Democratic Party’s organizational problems which resulted in last week’s rejection of the censure motion. Latest Doina Ioanid describes the European Festival of Poetry in Sibiu / Hermannstadt, organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute, Literaturhaus Berlin and the Berliner Kunstlerprogramm DAAD. The festival ran from 3 through 6 October. Liviu Ornea, Iulia Popovici and Elena Vladareanu look into an incident at the theater. Matei Visniec’s Istoria comunismului povestita pentru bolnavii mintal (The History of Communism for the Mental Disordered) directed by Florian Fatulescu premiered on September 30 at the National Theatre in Bucharest with Claudiu Bleont playing the lead. At the end of the performance, a member of the audience, Razvan Penescu, called out “For Shame!
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