Elisa Fuchs

21 de reprezentanti din toata tara au fost alesi pentru a merge, in calitate de referenti culturali, in comune sau orasele cu scopul de a imbunatati imaginea pe care o (mai) reprezinta acum caminul cultural. Acestia au venit la Timisoara insotiti de colaboratorii lor, de primarul sau viceprimarul localitatii in care si-au desfasurat activitatea. In timpul celor doua zile consacrate juriului care avea sa selecteze …

Phoenix ’05: A Pilot-Project They where 21 to present a new vision for the cultural house of their village or small town, 21 cultural referents from all over Romania. They had come to Timisoara together with their collaborators, with the mayor or the vice-mayor of their municipality. During the two days of Selection Forum organized by the Phoenix ’05-Project in April 2004, the Expovest …

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