The Observer, in short
- 05-04-2007
- Nr. 366-367
Observator Cultural
- 0 Comentarii
Lead article Carmen Musat comments on Gabriel Liiceanu’s defamation in Ziua, which published several hostile articles, also accusing another two known intellectuals, Mihai Sora and Zigu Ornea, of collaboration with the Securitate. Politics Sabina Fati discusses Prime Minister’s Calin Popescu Tariceanu’s project for a new governmental cabinet with PNL-UDMR members (National Liberal Party-the Magyar Democratic Union in Romania). Fati says that this is based on a secret union between PNL and PSD (Social Democratic Party). Ciprian Ciucu emphasizes on the problems of the new governmental cabinet, based on political minority, which will stop all reform. Arina Petrovici comments on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty (March 27, 1957) in Berlin, treaty signed by Federal Germany, Italy, Belgium and Luxembourg, representing the birth of the European Economic Community and of the EU. The event of the week Norman Manea was awarded the „Cultural Merit” medal, in commander rank, by President Traian Basescu, on March 26, in New York. The known authors Philip Roth and Orhan Pamuk, Robert Silvers, chief editor of New York Review of Books, were also present for the ceremony. Cultural Observer publishes an interview with Norman Manea by Oana Radu taken after the ceremony, and an excerpt […]