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Studii romanesti in editie americana La Editura The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy din Washington a aparut de curind un volum semnat de compatriotul nostru Victor Neumann: Between Words and Reality. Studies on the Politics of Recognition and the Changes of Regime in Contemporany Romania si publicat in cadrul Colectiei „Cultural Heritage and Contemporany Change“, seria „Central and Eastern Europe“. Traducerea din limba romana apartine Simonei Neumann. Cartea este, in parte, rodul unei burse Fullbrigth in Statele Unite de care autorul a beneficiat intre 2000-2001. Miza lucrarii o constituie studierea dintr-o perspectiva teoretica inter- si multiculturala a identitatilor etnice din Transilvania si Banat, iar accentul cade indeosebi asupra istoriei recente – mai precis: post-totalitare – a acestor provincii istorice si asupra evolutiei relatiilor interetnice din cadrul lor. Sumarul e alcatuit din cinci studii: From the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Romanian State: The Jewish Question in Disputed Territory, Civic Culture in Banat and Transylvania: The Role of Timisoara in the 1989 Transformation of Political Order, Political Changes in 1989 Romania: Between Words and Reality, Civic Education and Human Rigths in an Interculturale Perspective: The Case of Romania si The Greek-Catholics and Orthodox in Contemporany Romania, urmate de referinte bibliografice […]
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